So today I am taking another break from my childhood to leave suspense for the next story. So there’s good news and bad news. Actually there’s only bad news (for me). The people who take apart my crutches and hide them were actually quite pleased. So when I went to get my cast off on Monday the doctor came in with a huge “your screwed” smile. She said “you better get used to those crutches honey because you will be on them for another month.” FML. It’s not really the crutches that bother me. What bothers me is having to tour the campus (uphill) 5 billion times a day. I swear there are over 1000 stairs on this campus.
This is all due to one thing, the thing that is “crucial” to the development of a low self esteemed being, PE. Why is it even necessary?! It is an embarrassment to everyone who is not precisely selected varsity. It does no one any good. Also, when was the last time anyone ever saw a PE teacher run? Or play any of the “ball” sports were forced to play. Well, ok I guess I’m being a little unfair, it is a little relieving to go from math to PE (now my free period). Frankly I don’t know which is worse. I’ve always hated those ball sports. The balls always manage to hit me right smack in the face or hard on the head. They never fail, it’s the only connection between me and ball aim. Volley ball is by far the worst though. The balls are meant to come right at your face. Then there’s basketball. My dribble starts big and confident and pretty soon it gets lower and lower until it comes to a stop. Everybody manages to get this simple skill except me. Soccer, it’s pretty self explanatory why I dislike it, my foot throbs as I write this. Lastly, there’s baseball. Even when I’m sitting down waiting for my turn I have this image of the batter swinging and the bat coming right smack into my face. I don’t know what it is about PE sports; all I know is that I just can’t do them.
I guess I better stop nagging on PE before I get inspired (I promise you will hear it all eventually throughout this blog). There is one more thing I need to get out before I end this blogging session. Computers! I’m actually writing this in computers. Computers is an elective we did not elect. It is obligatory. Probably the second worst class next to PE. It is extremely boring. All we do is repeat the same excel function for different made up projects. Now the even better part to this class is probably the teacher. Guzman Julio. Yes his name I actually Guzman Julio not Julio Guzman. He’s got one of those tones of voice that just make you want to shoot yourself in the head. Also Guzman has a super stalker program that lets him see our computer screens from his computer. He even sees our computers when he is sick at home. Doesn’t he have anything better to do on his sick day than stalk our computer screens? Well a couple days ago he was sick. I realized he was stalking my computer screen because when I opened Facebook through a long process of downloading Google Chrome and then getting on V-Tunnel, he closed it. Who ever invented this stalker program is not cool. Do you know how frustrating it is when your mouse gains super powers and presses the X on your Facebook when you are trying to see your notifications?
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